Impunity of those who should obey law kills country and citizens, lawyer

As long as persons to blame for illegalities are not punished, things in the country will not improve, especially when it goes to persons hired to defend the rights and security of persons, said lawyer Eduard Rudenco. According to him, the impunity of the law enforcement agencies kills the country, the economy and the citizens of this country.

“We can discuss ay reform, but as long as there are persons at the Ministry of the Interior, prosecution service and courts who violate, nothing will change, regardless of the number of adopted laws and of the reformed institutions. Those who should protect the people never answered for what they did, for making us suffer. They violate, but we answer and this is the most serious thing. Their impunity kills us and the country,” Eduard Rudenco stated in a news conference at IPN.

The lawyer spoke about the case of his client, businessman Valentin Eșanu, who was released from detention two years ago and a year ago the prosecutors dropped the charges against him. The case against Eșanu was fabricated after in 2013-2017 he was very active in politics and in the business of ferrous metals. When he became a direct rival of the state-run company “Metalferos” and started to criticize the Democratic Party, he was charged on two counts. “Regrettably, all the law enforcement agencies ignored the evidence provided by my mates, lawyers of the investigation service and the court of law. The apogee was when those who represented the prosecution in court later asked to drop the charges without any remorse,” stated the lawyer.

According to him, all those involved in these fabricated cases should be held accountable so that they are held accountable as an organized criminal group or criminal organization, in accordance with the Penal Code.

Eduard Rudenco noted that after Vlad Plahotniuc left, particular changes were witnessed. In some of the cases, persons who weren’t to blame were set free, but those to blame weren’t penalized. “It has been two years since Valentin Eșanu was release from jail and one year since the charges against him were dropped. The judge who extended the arrest warrants and adopted related decisions passed a judgment by which the case was dropped. The question is, when did she break the law – when she extended the arrest warrants or when she ordered to drop the case? The same was done by the prosecutor who asked for the extension of the arrest unjustifiably, knowing that the case was fabricated. After Vlad Plahotniuc fled the country, the same prosecutor came to court with an application, asking to drop the charges,” said the lawyer.

Eduard Rudenco noted that he and businessman Valentin Eșanu are drawing up an application to ask to hold accountable those involved in the fabrication of cases.

Valentin Eșanu said it has been two years since he was set free from Penitentiary No. 13, but he hasn’t seen yet any concrete step aimed at holding the persons involved in the fabrication of the case against him accountable. He called on the other persons classed as victims in political cases to mobilize and file similar complaints so as to obtain the punishment of those to blame and to prevent similar deeds in the future.

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