Imperative of the National Reunification Platform in the 2025 Parliamentary Elections. Op-Ed by Anatol Taranu



The consolidation of a unionist bloc in the 2025 parliamentary elections is essential for achieving major strategic objectives, both domestically and internationally. Such consolidation could bring significant benefits for Moldova’s democratic, economic, and social development, as well as its closer integration with the European Union and NATO...


Anatol Țăranu

Ensuring the Continuation of Pro-European Governance

As Moldova heads into this fall’s parliamentary elections, its society remains deeply divided between two geopolitical camps: pro-European and pro-Russian. The outcome of the elections will determine whether Moldova follows a European path or drifts towards the Eurasian model.

Current sociological surveys indicate an advantage for pro-Russian forces, despite the fact that the majority of citizens support Moldova’s European trajectory. This paradox is due to the eroding public image of the ruling PAS party and the lack of a credible alternative within the pro-European spectrum. It is unlikely that PAS will be able to recover its image quickly enough to secure another parliamentary majority.

In this context, the absence of a strong pro-European political force capable of attracting disillusioned voters could pave the way for a pro-Russian victory. The pro-Russian camp is already organized into two blocs: one composed of socialists and communists, targeting the hardcore pro-Moscow electorate, and another, more moderate, which employs pro-European rhetoric to attract centrist voters disillusioned with PAS but would, in reality, obstruct European integration through its policies.

The European Course Depends on Unionists

Moscow is expected to intensify its interference in Moldova’s elections, surpassing its involvement in the 2024 presidential race and referendum. Given Russia’s economic struggles, it cannot replace European financial support for Moldova. Thus, its objective is not necessarily to install an openly anti-European government, but rather one that claims to be pro-European while maintaining geopolitical ties to Russia.

To achieve this, Russian propaganda in Moldova is focused on promoting political Moldovenism and opposing Romanian identity. Moscow fully understands that if Moldova solidifies its identity as a second Romanian state, it would irreversibly remove itself from Russia’s sphere of influence, making any imperial aspirations to reclaim this territory futile.

As part of this strategy, Russian propaganda accuses PAS of being unionist, aiming to alienate centrist Moldovenist voters from the ruling party. In reality, PAS has consistently promoted civic Moldovenism at the expense of Romanian identity throughout its governance. This has inadvertently strengthened the Moldovenist segment of society, which is now being courted by both PAS and the pro-Russian forces.

To counteract this geopolitical maneuvering, the formation of a unionist political bloc is crucial. This bloc would mobilize the Romanian-identifying electorate, which has been largely disillusioned by PAS’s Moldovenist policies. Moreover, a unionist bloc would help deflect accusations of unionism away from PAS, allowing the ruling party to attract more centrist votes. This strategic realignment could significantly boost the pro-European camp’s electoral prospects, ensuring a parliamentary majority for continued European integration.

The Prospect of Uniting Unionists

Mobilizing the unionist electorate through the creation of a National Reunification Platform could serve as a strategic step toward strengthening pro-unionist influence in Moldovan politics. This platform should be well-structured, incorporating notable unionist figures from various sectors of society and presenting a clear, realistic unionist agenda adapted to the current geopolitical context.

The platform's key elements must include:

Uniting unionist parties, civic organizations, and public figures into a common structure;
Building an electoral force with a unified message, emphasizing the benefits of progressive integration leading to reunification with Romania;
Engaging youth and intellectuals in promoting the unionist ideal;
Establishing an analytical center to develop political, economic, and electoral strategies.

Additionally, the platform must immediately launch public awareness campaigns through media, social networks, and direct citizen engagement while actively countering anti-unionist disinformation.

The platform’s leaders should also initiate political and diplomatic actions to strengthen relations between Chisinau and Bucharest. Informing public opinion in both Moldova and Romania, as well as the international community, about the true objectives of this movement is crucial. Gaining international support - particularly from the EU and the U.S. - will be essential in promoting the unionist ideal.


The rapid creation of the National Reunification Platform would ensure mobilization and active participation of the unionist electorate, thereby contributing to a pro-European victory in the parliamentary elections. A unionist presence in Parliament would strengthen the Romanian identity of Moldovan citizens and reinforce cultural, linguistic, and historical ties with Romania. This would accelerate Moldova’s European integration and advance the national reunification process.

Anatol Țăranu
doctor of history, political commentator

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