Impelled to give houses to functionaries, Chisinau City Hall shows openness for dialog with Government

Chisinau deputy mayor Mihai Furtuna says that, in order to attain a continuous dialog with the central public administration, both structures need to cooperate and be open. In an interview for AP Info-Prim Neo on the dwelling space that the Chisinau Municipal Council is to grant to functionaries, who won this right in court, Mihai Furtună finds that there is a lack of cooperation between the municipality and the central public administration now. After Chisinau courts decided that the local administration must provide dwelling space or the equivalent money to 150 police, prosecutors and judges, the City Hall notified the Government. “The mode in which the local administration will act in the future will depend on the answer expected from the central authorities,” says the deputy mayor. The writs issued by courts have gathered for years, as such expenses are not provided for in planning the municipal budget. Mihai Furtuna believes this type of expenses incurred in executing writs by granting dwelling space to certain categories of functionaries, by allocating tremendous amounts of money from the municipality’s budgets, shall be covered with money from the State Budget. Mihai Furtuna says the legislation provides that the local administration must grant dwelling spaces to categories of citizens, including to police, prosecutor and judges, indeed. However, according to a governmental decision stipulating the mode of bettering dwelling conditions, when building apartments, the money shall be allocated from the State Budget. In these circumstances, the responsibility of the local administration would limit only to building and distributing the estate. Now, the municipality’s budget does not provide for such sums as to allow for building dwelling blocks.

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