IMAS director recommends creating commission of inquiry into census

The director of the Marketing and Polling Institute IMAS Doru Petruti recommended setting up a commission of inquiry and performing an audit into the population and dwellings census taken this month.

The expert considers that the way the money was used, including in the information campaign, must be made transparent. The results of the census in 1,000 households must be compared with the data obtained from the same households as a result of re-questioning, IPN reports.

On his social networking site, Doru Petruti writes that the validation of the census results in other conditions will be at least against the national interests.

“Many do not understand the extraordinary importance of such an event. It’s time to say it clearly that the lack of transparence and professionalism is EVIDENT,” he wrote.

The population and dwellings census was taken on May 12-25. The costs of the census amounted to about 90 million lei.

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