Ilan Shor: You will see first results of our administration in a month

The mayor-elect of Orhei town Ilan Shor assured that he will start to implement his electoral program immediately after he takes up his duties and the first results will be seen in a month. He made such a statement in a news conference on June 15, IPN reports.

“We managed to do something in the electoral period too. We attracted investors and became involved in charity. We repaired playgrounds. We already reached an agreement with a potential investor and will start to repair the roads in Orhei immediately after my seat is validated,” stated Shor.

The mayor-elect pledged to ensure maximum transparency in the activity of the local public administration.  “The functionaries will receive salaries depending on the grades they will get from the people. There will be worked out a calendar plan that will stipulate when each promise from our electoral program will be fulfilled. I thank the residents of Orhei for their trust and promise that the whole electoral program will be implemented,” said Ilan Shor.

Shor polled 62% of the vote in the mayoral elections in Orhei. The candidates for councilor of the Party “Ravnopravie”, which fielded Shor, won 41% of the ballot.

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