IGP after the flashmob in front of the institution: Police act strictly within the law

The police act strictly within the law and the protection of citizens, including their personal data, is essential. This is how representatives of the General Inspectorate of Police commented to IPN about the flashmob organized today in front of the institution by the Heart of Moldova Party.

Head of the Communication and Protocol Section of the IGP, Diana Fetco, said that in order to collect personal data, the consent of the authorized institutions - the National Center for Personal Data Protection and the Central Electoral Commission - is mandatory.

"We ask all political actors to take this into account and comply with the law," Diana Fetco added.

Representatives of the Heart of Moldova Party organized a flashmob at the General Inspectorate of Police, alleging that the police are trying to hinder the party's campaign for peace and international recognition of neutrality. They claim that the police have been ordered to find "evidence" that the Heart of Moldova Party is collecting citizens' personal data at any cost. "This is a lie designed to hamper our campaign to collect signatures for peace and neutrality and to intimidate our supporters", the party's representatives say.

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