Igor Volnitski: Protests near Parliament Building were mounted to prevent scenario inconvenient to PDM

The protests staged near the Parliament Building on June 7, where the people asked for stability and pleaded against holding snap legislative elections, were mounted with the aim of not allowing a scenario inconvenient to the Democratic Party and of exerting pressure on the Party of Socialists that in that period convoked its Political Council, political commentator Igor Volnitski stated in the talk show “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel, IPN reports.

“This shows how the PDM prepared for this day. I think the scenario of snap elections, even if the PDM condemns the elections and the people who gathered there said they do not want snap elections, is more convenient for the Democrats, but they cannot openly say this,” noted the commentator.

Igor Volnitski said the Socialists prefer snap elections to a minority Government formed by the PAS leader Maia Sandu. Such a Government would have been a risky step as such an executive risked being dismissed in several months in the absence of a parliamentary majority and a new political crisis would have been caused in Moldova.

He noted the Bloc ACUM understand that its success in case of snap parliamentary polls could diminish and other parties that didn’t compete in the previous elections could not run in these.

The Party of Socialists’ jurist Fadei Nagacevski said the PSRM’s decision not to hold talks with the Democratic Party and to go towards snap elections was rather predictable as the situation didn’t change since the last meeting of the party’s National Council that took clear decisions in this regard.

He stated the Constitutional Court’s ruling saying Parliament can be dissolved in three months after the validation of elections, which occurred on March 9 and the deadline is thus June 9, indicates a 90-day period in brackets and simple calculations show June 7 is namely the 90th day of the validation of elections.

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