Igor Dodon’s blog attacked by hackers

The blog of the PCRM’s candidate for mayor of Chisinau Igor Dodon has been the target for hacker attacks. In a press statement, Igor Dodon says the attacks are made by politicized hackers who should better deal with the real problems of Chisinau, not abuse the Internet, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The purpose of these attacks is clear given the electoral context and the increasing fear of some of my opponents. A group of hackers-legionnaires, mobilized under the slogan “Together against…”, started a puerile guerilla war aimed at hindering the communication between me and the readers of my blog. They also make different collages against me,” said the PCRM’s candidate. Igor Dodon also said that these attacks do not disturb him. “I want to tell the anonymous authors that these pricks do not inconvenience me. But these dishonorable methods do not give you more weight. You’d better concentrate your talents, resources and efforts on solving the real problems of the Chisinau residents. Please, do not make bad use of the Internet in the mayoral campaign as the City Hall is politicized enough,” it is said in the statement.

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