Igor Dodon: We will not allow investing new government

The Socialists will oppose the investiture of a new government if the Strelet Government is dismissed, the leader of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Igor Dodon said in the talk show “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

“We will do everything possible to prevent the investiture of a new government. If they manage to invest it, we will do our utmost for that government to be dismissed too,” stated Igor Dodon.

The Socialists’ leader said the dismissal of the Strelet Government does not represent the final goal set by the PSRM. “The Party of Socialists struggles for early parliamentary elections. Our objective is to reach this point. In the period until the early elections, we can have a provisional government. It is stolen less in such conditions,” he explained.

Though he voted for the National Anticorruption Center to be transferred under the management of Parliament, Igor Dodon is yet for dismissing the Center’s director. “When the National Anticorruption Center was managed by the Government, it could not act freely. The loudest cases of corruption involve Cabinet members. But Viorel Chetraru must be dismissed and we will struggle for this to happen,” he said.

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