Igor Dodon: We will mount large protest on presidential election day

The protest leaders intend to stage a large-scale protest in front of the Parliament Building during the sitting where the head of state is to be elected, chairman of the Party of Socialists and one of the protest leaders Igor Dodon said in a Chisinau – Moscow video conference entitled “Opposition from Moldova organizes again large protests: objectives and goals”, IPN reports.

“This government wouldn’t have remained if it hadn’t been supported by Brussels and Washington. It was supported financially too so that the parties of the left didn’t come to power. Our basic goal is to provoke early parliamentary elections. It will be perfect if we manage to cause direct presidential elections,” said Igor Dodon.

According to him, the protesters must continue to exert pressure on the government. “If the pressure and protests hadn’t existed, Plahotniuc would have become Prime Minister. If we hadn’t applied pressure, nobody would have resigned and the head of state would have been elected several days ago as they have enough votes. We agreed with the other protest leaders to concentrate our efforts on the parliamentary sitting where they will try to elect the head of state,” stated the leader of the Party of Socialists.

Igor Dodon noted that if the current government manages to choose the head of state and will thus avoid early elections, it will be ‘hot’ in Moldova. “We will lose the country for another two-three years. We must act now because they prepare the country for the union with Romania and for the entry into NATO. We have time until June-July. If we miss this chance, we will be unable to remove them for many years on,” he said.

The politician also said that the protests organized together with the members and supporters of the parties headed by Renato Usatyi and Andrei Nastase will continue. He noted that the protest leaders find it increasingly difficult to control the people’s fury.

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