Igor Dodon requests to sign social protection agreement while in Italy

President Igor Dodon, who is in Italy on a visit, requested his Italian counterpart Sergio Matarella to sign an agreement on social protection and to recognize the education papers of Moldovans in Italy. The request was made in a meeting of the two Heads of State, IPN reports.

According to Igor Dodon, the Moldovans are the fifth largest community in Italy, where 54% of its members are employed. About 400 doctors from Moldova managed to validate their diplomas in Italy.

In the meeting, President Dodon welcomed the fact that Italy will take over the OSCE Chairmanship in 2018. He expressed his conviction that Italy will assist Moldova in the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and voiced hope that new rounds of talks in the 5+2 format will be held next year under the Italian OSCE Chairmanship.

Sergio Matarella accepted the invitation to pay an official visit to Moldova in the nearest future.

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