The PCRM candidate for Chisinau mayor’s seat, Igor Dodon, didn’t answer Liberal candidate, Dorin Chirtoaca’s invitation to participate in a public debate on Thursday, May 12, at the water treatment station. However, Chirtoaca wasn’t too downhearted and invited Dodon to a football match between PL and PCRM teams on the Republican Stadium (demolished in 2007), Info-Prim Neo reports.
After waiting for half an hour, Chirtoaca stated that Dodon didn’t come because he didn’t have a solution for the water treatment station. “I gladly let him have his word, but it seems there’s no one to say anything. The solution is absent, meaning he has nothing to tell the inhabitants of Chisinau about the water provision issue”, said Chirtoaca. He added that Dodon fled and was too spoiled.
The Liberal said he would accept Dodon’s invitation to take part in the debate on Alba Iulia Street on one condition. “I may accept, but let him come tomorrow, at 10 AM, at the Republican Stadium, to play a football match between PL and PCRM. The one who wins will name the location and date of the next meeting”, said Chirtoaca.
Igor Dodon was waited at a tribune installed near a rock which bears the year of the water treatment station’s foundation. “We’re near a monument, a memorial stone of the plant. On May 20, 2007, the former government held a festivity and promised to solve the issue of bad smells form the plant and even put some bricks here. In 2005, the former Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii promised this as well and pushed a button. So, this is everything they were able to do: the stone, the festivity, the bricks and the button”, stated the PL mayoral candidate.
While waiting for Dodon, Chirtoaca explained his own team’s solutions for the problem. He mentioned that a French company was developing a feasibility study that should be finished by May 2012. Then, the modernization of the water treatment station and of the whole Apa-Canal Chisinau enterprise would begin, which should cost about 300 million lei. In 2011, 200 million will be invested in extending and upgrading the networks. More of half of the money will be obtained from funding agreed with the World Bank.
Dorin Chirtoaca added that next week, a team of German and Polish experts would arrive in Chisinau to test a new equipment of processing the sludge. The new centrifugal technology will dry the sludge in a few minutes.
Dorin Chirtoaca invited Igor Dodon for a duel at the water treatment station. In turn, Igor Dodon called Chirtoaca on Alba Iulia Street, where pits have appeared in the road just 3 months after a capital repair.