Igor Dodon: Building of Philharmonic will be most probably demolished

The building of the National Philharmonic “Sergey Lunkevich” will be most probably replaced by a new construction that will have the same purpose. A decision will be taken when the expert appraisal is ready. There are now considered two possibilities – the building will be restored or it will be demolished and a new one will be erected in its place, IPN reports.

“Preliminarily, according to the information provided by experts, we will probably chose the second variant and will build a new edifice,” President Igor Dodon stated after the ordinary Monday meeting with the Parliament Speaker and the Premier.

If the decision is to erect a new building, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will launch consultations on the conception of the new edifice with the artistic community. The technical project will be ready by this yearend.

The fire that started at the National Philharmonic on September 24 seriously damaged the building. It was put out with difficulty. The ceiling of the main hall collapsed. The Ministry of Finance opened a bank account for raising funds in the form of donations for reconstructing the building.

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