Igor Dodon about decision expected on April 15: CC judges are being pressed

The leader of the PSRM Igor Dodon said the judges of the Constitutional Court are subject to pressure by foreign ambassadors so that they take a decision in favor of dissolving Parliament. He noted President Maia Sandu tries to influence the CC’s decision through the agency of the Security and Intelligence Service, which is controlled by the presidential administration, IPN reports.

On April 15, the Constitutional Court is to examine the President’s application to ascertain the circumstances for dissolving Parliament. Igor Dodon said that in a democratic state, the High Court would rule in favor of the legislature.

“If we look at the Court’s case law and the previous recommendations of the Venice Commission, the Court should rule that there are no reasons for dissolving Parliament. However, knowing what work some of the ambassadors do now, what pressure is being exerted on the members of the Constitutional Court and how Maia Sandu and the SIS that is now managed by them work, the decision could be different,” Igor Dodon stated in a special edition on Primul în Moldova TV channel.

Moreover, Igor Dodon said that if the CC judges decide that Parliament should be dissolved, the parliamentary majority could ignore this decision and the precedent of 2019, when the Venice Commission ruled in favor of the MPs in the dispute between the Constitutional Court and the legislature, could repeat.

“In 2019, the PSRM together with Maia Sandu didn’t recognize the Constitutional Court’s decision. Then we asked the Venice Commission to state its opinion and this ruled in favor of the parliamentary majority. Do the current members of the Constitutional Court assume the risk of being the second composition of the Court that resorts to the usurpation of power in the state? It is their decision,” said Igor Dodon.

The leader of the PSRM also said that the party is not afraid of snap parliamentary elections, but these should be held after the pandemic and economic crisis in Moldova is overcome.

“It’s clear that three parties will enter the next Parliament – the PAS, the PSRM and the Shor Party. The rest only aim to attract votes from the right or from the left. We are not afraid of snap elections. We will have at least the same number of seats of MP as now. The other half of the legislature should be afraid of not passing the election threshold,” stated Igor Dodon.

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