Igor Corman: Parliament will adopt social package in final reading

The legislative body this week will adopt the social package that provides for increasing the salaries and pensions of particular social categories in the final reading, Head of Parliament Igor Corman said in a national conference entitled “Modernization of the social assistance system – common imperative”, IPN reports, quoting the legislature’s press service.

Speaking about the modernization of the social protection system, Igor Corman said that a concerted effort is needed to promote reforms in the field. “What we have done lately on the path to European integration and the country’s modernization was aimed at ensuring our products’ access to the EU’s enormous market, at attracting investments from Europe, with new technology, for creating new jobs as well as European funds. If we develop the economy, we will have other budget possibilities, including in the social sphere,” stated the Speaker.

For her part, Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Valentina Buliga said that by taking measures to reform the social assistance system, the state wants the families in Moldova to enjoy decent living conditions and well-paid jobs, the children to attend school and have their parents near, the elderly people to have their dear persons near, etc.

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