Igor Botan: I don’t think those who brought country on edge of precipice can save it

The executive director of the Association for Participatory Democracy Igor Botan said that as a citizen, he does not think that those who brought the country on the edge of a precipice during six years can save it now. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Igor Botan said he expects the leaders of the ruling parties to act in a European way – to resign from the public posts and the party posts they held, IPN reports.

As regards foreign partners’ reactions to the investiture of the new Cabinet headed by Valeriu Strelet, Igor Botan said it is the stability that counts for the European and American partners. It is hard to ensure stability when those who governed the country during the last few years brought this country very close to a disaster. As regards the commitments assumed by the new Prime Minister, Igor Botan said these are completely unconvincing. Even the leader of the party of which Strelet forms part - Vlad Filat - said that the people do not trust this alliance and they should make effort to regain their confidence.

As regards the reaction of the International Monetary Fund and the West, Igor Botan said these transmitted welcoming messages, but with great prudence because very concrete steps are to be taken after the publication of the Government’s priorities and its program.

He noted that there were also reactions from Moscow, which were very reserved and highlighted that this Alliance for European Integration is an anti-Russian one and that the goal is only to gain profit by restoring the commercial relations, not yet to restore the political relations.

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