If snap parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, 30.4% of the electors in Moldova would vote for the Party of Action and Solidarity, while 28.7% for the Bloc of Communists and Socialists, shows the study “Sociopolitical Barometer for April 2022” that was carried out by the Sociological Research Company IMAS.
IMAS director general Doru Petruți in a news conference at IPN said 11.5% of the respondents would vote for Șor Party, 3.5% for Our Party, while 1.8% for the Party “Democracy at Home”. Less than 1% of those polled would vote for the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform, the Party of Development and Unity of Moldova, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, the Democratic Party of Moldova. Over 7% of the respondents said they would not go to the polls.
Some 63% of those surveyed consider things in Moldova follow a wrong direction, 33% believe they go right, while 4% do not know or didn’t answer.
22% said they are not at all satisfied with the way in which they live, 35% are not really satisfied, 22% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 18% are rather satisfied and only 3% are very satisfied with their living conditions.
32% of the respondents said they feel safe in Moldova, 36% feel partially safe, while 31% do not feel safe.
Over half of those interviewed, 52%, consider Russia waged a war against Ukraine, while 33% think Russia is conducting a special military operation to liberate/denazify Ukraine. 15% do not know or didn’t answer this question.
Asked about the reasons that led to the war in Ukraine, 73% said Russia wants to annex Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 62% said Russia felt threatened after Ukraine expressed its wish to become a NATO member and to host NATO military bases. 60% said Russia aims to change the political regime in Ukraine, while 59% admitted that the war was started because Vladimir Putin wants to restore the USSR.
Asked who is to blame for the war in Ukraine, 41.6% of the respondents said Vladimir Putin/Russia, 43.6% – NATO/the West/Volodymyr Zelensky, while 7.5% consider all those enumerated above are to blame.
Also, 46% of those polled consider Ukraine should be allowed to cope alone without being helped from outside, 36% believe the armaments and military equipment supplied by the EU and NATO are sufficient for Ukraine to defend itself from Russia, while 11% think the armed forces of the EU and NATO member states should have become involved and fought alongside Ukraine against Russia.
The sociopolitical barometer was conducted during April 4-18 and covered a sample of 1,109 persons.
Barometrul Socio-Politic aprilie 2022 (PDF)