If an agreement with IMF is not reached, the following period will be difficult, PM

If an agreement with the International Monetary Fund is not reached, a very hard period will follow for Moldova and different measures will have to be taken, like layoffs and stopping of investment, Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici said in an interview for Radio Free Europe. He stated that an IMF mission will come to Moldova in mid-May to open the negotiations, IPN reports.

“The process has lasted for 18 weeks. We have a list of preconditions imposed by the IMF, which we assessed and decided that we are ready to negotiate them for signing the accord,” stated the Premier.

Asked about the proposal to liquidate the three banks involved in the appropriation scheme, Chiril Gaburici said he supports such a move, but it is the National Bank of Moldova that will decide whether to withdraw their licenses or not. “I support the idea for the simple reason that huge costs will be incurred for maintaining these banks. Their liquidation will help solve many problems. I want very much the investigations to be brought to an end so that those to blame are punished and the money is brought back,” stated the Premier.

Chiril Gaburici considers the money can be restored. He said he had discussions with representatives of states that went through similar experiences and these said that the property bought with the stolen money or the opened bank accounts can be traced and the money can be returned. “This cannot be done during a day or two. More time and work is needed. We need specialists and companies that can do this,” he said.

Asked about his expectations of the Riga Summit of May 21-22, the Premier said he does not have great expectations, but would like a comprehensive report on what was done to implement reforms and to fulfill the obligations deriving from the Association Agreement to be produced for this event.

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