Ice fishing is allowed only with special equipment and on banks with rescue stations

Specialists recommend that fishing should take place only on the banks of waterbodies where there are rescue stations. Each person who goes out on frozen bodies of water must be equipped with a life jacket and have a 15-20 meters long rope with a weight of 400-500 grams at the other end, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations said, warning about the danger of staying on the thin ice of waterbodies, IPN reports.

In the coming days, the formation of ice bridges on waterbodies will continue. Thus, specialists warn that during the period of oscillating temperatures, the ice bridge remains fragile and staying on its surface is not safe. Moreover, there is an imminent risk of falling under the layer of ice whose thickness is below the permissible levels.

For ice fishing to be safe, the ice must be at least 10 cm thick. Specialists do not recommend that fishermen drill several holes because, in such conditions, the ice becomes unstable. Moreover, crowds of people on the ice or jumping on damaged ice bridges must be avoided.

In case of falling under the ice, rescuers urge the people to keep calm, to try to get out of the water lying on the ice with their hands wide open and, by rolling, to move to the shore. In exceptional situations, the citizens are asked to urgently call the 112 Service.

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