On the first admission day, the Chisinau universities have been assaulted by hundreds of candidates. In stampede, nerves and stress, the youths try to understand what documents they shall submit and decide on specialties.
The chairman of the Moldova State University admission commission, Constantin Marin, has told Info-Prim Neo the entrance will be done in according with the published relevant regulation. “The previous years, the number of candidates submitting their dossiers on the first day was larger and the commission managed to cope with them,” Constantin Marin says. “Regardless of the day of lodging the documents, all have equal chances to be accepted,” he says.
The candidates will be selected depending on their average baccalaureate mark and will get either state-paid scholarships or will study on contract basis.
The youths from poorer families can pretend to 15% of the scholarships. The question is about children without parental care, orphans, disabled, having disabled parents, having parents participating in military actions or in the Chernobyl catastrophe, military parents, participants in the Iraqi post-war operations, children from large families and from Transnistria, Roma and former servicemen.
According to the Education Ministry's plan, the state offers 10,758 scholarships. 750 are destined to candidates from Transnistria. 14,602 places will be offered on contract basis.
The vocational schools offer 23,010 scholarships and 1,335 contract places. The high schools offer 7,066 scholarships (colleges) the gymnasiums – 4,121 and the lycees 2,945.
The lycee entrance exams will start on 16 August. The documents will be lodged with the universities from July 16 to 29. The documents for vocational schools are submitted since 25 June. If not all the places are taken, a second round will start on August 5.
The State University will accept 3,766 candidates this year, 1,655 will get state scholarships. The contracts annually cost from 3,500 to 8,000 lei.