The Civic Movement “Moldova’s Youth” will put up a huge map in central Chisinau on the occasion of the National Day of all the Romanians, which will contain the territory of Romania and of Moldova united in a single state. The event will take place in the Square of the Metropolitan Cathedral on December 1, starting at 3pm, IPN reports.
According to the organizers, the construction of this map represents the work that will be done by the whole Moldovan society for a single Romanian state to exist on the map of Europe by 2018, when it will be 100 years of the Union of all the historical provinces of Romania.
“The December 1 event is aimed at transmitting a clear message. It is the duty of each of us to contribute to building a great, powerful and united Country. We will form the huge map of the reunified Romania and Moldova from a number of pieces with the assistance of all the participants. In the same way, we must all become involved in the reunification of the Country because only the Union with Romania can take Moldova out of the profound crisis faced now,” said the head of the Civic Movement “Moldova’s Youth” Anatol Ursu.
Event coordinator Lucia Stegarescu said that this map, which brings together the two Romanian states, gathers also together the hopes of the Romanians from the two sides of the Prut for a better future. “We want 2018 to be the year of the repeat of a historical event that 97 years ago brought us in the front line of the developed countries,” she stated.