How to diminish losses and to reduce heating costs by over 30%

More than 35% of the heat in apartments is lost in places that are not thermally insulated or are insulated badly, says energy specialists. The images taken by a thermovision camera at an old building located on Andrei Doga St, which is not thermally insulated and is heated by a vertical heat distribution system, and at another thermally insulated building situated at Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd, which is heated by an autonomous central heating system, show a huge difference between the losses of heat at similar air temperatures, IPN reports, quoting a press release of SA “Termoelectrica”.

“With the assistance of this camera, we can see what we cannot see easily. We can now check any point of the block so as to see where heat is lost,” said Yuri Yankoschi, engineer of “Termoelectrica”, noting the images of the new block show the temperatures are homogenous and the losses of heat are minimum or are absent.

According to Victor Puiu, commercial director of “Termoelectrica”, most of the times the heat is lost through the building walls, roofs, windows and doors that do not have the necessary thermal insulation. The inter-block system is also a problem as this is old, worn-out and is not efficiently insulated in common places. The waste of heat can be diminished if the external walls, ceilings and floors are thermally insulated and the energy inefficient windows and doors are replaced. This way the capacity to keep the heat inside buildings increases and heat consumption is reduced.

“The inter-block pipes must be mandatorily changed and we should switch over to horizontal heat distribution that would ensure more efficient distribution all over the block. There is a separate meter and each person can regulate heat consumption and can turn on or off the system whenever they want, without depending on the decision of the housing sector manager. An important thing is the fact that the dweller has an own meter and pays for what is consumed,” stated Victor Puiu.

According to officials of “Termoelectrica”, the consumers who take such energy efficiency steps decrease their heating costs by 30-50%.

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