Holy Fire to be brought to Moldova from Jerusalem this year too

The Holy Fire will be brought to Moldova from Jerusalem for the 16th time this year. On Holy Thursday, a delegation of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church led by His Holiness Metropolitan Bishop Vladimir will go to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to take Holy Light, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Moldovan Metropolitan Church said the delegation will consist of four priests who will fly to Tel-Aviv by a commercial flight operated by the company that during the last three years helped logistically to bring the Holy Fire.

On Holy Saturday, the Metropolitan delegation will travel to the Old City of Jerusalem, to the Garden Tomb where the Holy Light starts to burn at about 2pm by tradition. On Saturday evening, the Holy Light will be brought to the square before the Metropolitan Cathedral “God’s Birth” in central Chisinau. It will be distributed to priests and parishioners who will pass it on.

Easter this year is celebrated on April 8.

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