Holiday to remember the dead was celebrated differently in the past, ethnologist

In the past, the people went to the graves of late relatives to remember them and brought some traditional presents and food – Easter cakes, decorated eggs and wine. Now this is a sumptuous holyday when the people display their expensive clothes and gifts, doing thus harm to those whom they should actually help by remembering them. Doctor of History Natalia Gradinaru, ethnologist at the Ethnology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, has told IPN that the expensive presents are not appropriate on Low Sunday.

The ethnologist said there are no big differences in the way in which this day is marked in different regions of the country, but in some of the communities they celebrate Low Sunday on Sunday, while in others on Monday and the offered gifts may differ slightly. “This is a holiday when we remember the dead. It is said that these are near those who are alive on this day. This holiday symbolizes the return to life of the ‘sleeping ones’,” stated Natalia Gradinaru.

The traditional presents are Easter bread and cakes, red painted eggs and wine. “The presents differ from region to region by the offered bread. In some of the region they give bread that incorporates cheese, while in others they offer ‘germs’ – a kind of bread that is usually given to close relatives. In other parts, they offer plates with food, including a towel that symbolizes the bridge used to pass in the world of the dead,” said the ethnologist.

According to Natalia Gradinaru, what they offer now – plates and diseases and other presents that make noise – are not typical for Low Sunday. “These should be given more on Whit Sunday, when they say the evil spirits come to this world and these should be scared by such sounds,” she stated.

The ethnologist noted that the people transformed this holiday into a fashion show and an event where they display their wealth. They go to cemeteries to eat and drink. Priests say this way the state of the dead is worsened.

Natalia Gradinaru said that in the past the people remembered the dead with what they had and gave alms to the poor. Now they offer presents more to the relatives. Earlier the people went to the graves with a little food and the remaining crumbs symbolized what the dead wanted and meant that these reached them.

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