Holiday performance for boarding school children

Well-known artists from Moldova and Romania as well as young talents held a concert for children from Chisinau boarding schools organized by the Culture Society “Varta” and the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport of the Chisinau Council, Info-Prim Neo reports. It already became a tradition that the Culture Society “Varta” headed by composer Vlad Negruzzi gathers together children of boardings schools working in Chisinau and all over Moldova and famous artists at the Christmas Tree. Aura, Anisoara Puica, Ian Raiburg, Gheorghe Urschi, Doinita Gherman, the folk dance groups Vatra and Moldoveneasca and many other artists agreed to take part in the contest and gave a great performance for the disadvantaged children. “I come to these concerts with great pleasure and I thank Vlad Negruzzi for inviting me to them. I hope my songs will help the children deal easier with their problems and will bring them joy,” said singer Anisoara Puica. Romanian folk music singer Margareta Clipa was the guest of the concert. The public acclaimed her from the very first song. “These performances have brought joy and hope to many orphans, abandoned children and children with disabilities during 20 years. We try hard to make the meeting with the admired artists unforgettable,” said Vlad Negruzzi. The General Division of Education, Youth and Sport has always helped the Culture Society “Varta” to organize the concert, said the Division's head Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb. According to her, hundreds and thousands of children expect presents from Santa Claus on these days, but not all of them receive them. Besides financial support, the Division every time comes with young artists who perform at the concert. Vasile Macovei, Mihaela Chisnencu and Felicia Dunaf are only some of the names that became examples of fulfilled dreams for many children.

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