Historians complain they are target of denigration campaign
A group of historians who pleaded for merging the History of Romanians and the Universal History into one course say that a broad denigration campaign was launched against them. According to them, the information that they tried to eliminate the History of Romanians subject is not true, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“Given the created situation, we consider we should make our position known as the public opinion is misinformed. The members of the commission (that was created by the Ministry of Education – e.n.) is unable to remove the History of Romanians subject from the preuniversity education institutions because this course as an independent subject was eliminated by the Communist government in 2006,” says a statement issued by the historians.
The statement also says that the Ministry of Education, by modernizing the curriculum in 2009-2010, managed to update the principles of teaching History and to raise the subject to a qualitatively new level. There was reintroduced the mandatory History exam for ninth and twelfth graders studying humanities. The textbooks worked out by the Communist government were removed from the teaching circuit.
“We think it is not rational to return to two separate History courses. Studying one subject does not mean abandoning the History of Romanians course. Moreover, it is anticipated that the content of the National History will be much larger than that of the Universal History,” reads the statement.
The statement was signed by lecturers Igor Sharov, Igor Casu, Octavian Tacu, Sergiu Musteata, Virgiliu Paslariuc, Ion Eremia and Doctor Habiliate Ion Niculita.