His Holiness Vladimir: Until Holy Fire burns, there will be life on Earth

The greatest of all Christian miracles, the Holy Fire, will be brought to the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau on April 3 in the evening. From there, it will distributed to all the Moldovan towns and villages by 12 P.M. The Government put a plane with 11 seats at the disposal of the special delegation that will fly to Jerusalem after the Holy Fire, His Holiness Vladimir, Metropolitan Bishop of Chisinau and All Moldova, told the press on Tuesday, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Bishop said the delegation will include five representatives of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church and five representatives of the Government and the press. On Saturday evening, the Holy Fire will reach Chisinau. His Holiness Vladimir said this tradition must be kept piously because until the Holy Fire burns, there will be life on Earth. It takes place every single year, on the same time, in the same manner, and on the same spot. No other miracle is known to occur so regularly and for such an extensive period of time. The miracle happens in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which is the holiest place on earth to millions of believers.

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