The High Level Group for Moldova’s Children (HLGMC) will get from 250,000 to 500,00 euros from the High Level Group for Europe’s Children (HLGEC,) quartered in London, to implement community actions to back children in difficulty in 2008. The money come from donations and will be granted on the basis of the Cooperation Protocol between the European Organization and the Moldovan Government, signed in March 2007, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Yet much more important than the money are the motivation and the people, said at the sitting of the Moldovan Group baroness Emma Nicholson, the chairwoman of European Group, the co-chairwoman of the Moldovan Group and a member of the European Parliament, on Tuesday, March 18. The official has appreciated the Moldovan members of the Group as professionals with „enormous potential and admirable experience.” The baroness has underlined the goal of the partnership between the two organizations is to create an excellence center in Moldova, a model worth to be followed by other European countries in the area of protecting the children in need.
Deputy Education Minister Valentin Crudu has said that in conformity with the cooperation protocol, a Community Action Project has been unfolding in Moldova. During this period, over 7,000 children, including from orphanages, have been involved in community actions. The children participated in sports contests and literary activities.
In 2008, the operation of the Moldova Group will focus on three objectives: insuring the implementation of the National Strategy on community actions supporting acţiunile comunitare pentru susţinerea copiilor aflaţi în dificultate; promovarea Strategiei privind reforma sistemului rezidenţial de îngrijire a copilului şi consolidarea parteneriatelor sociale între structurile guvernamentale şi societatea civilă.
GNÎCM a fost creat pe lângă Guvernul Moldovei în decembrie 2006. Din componenţa Grupului fac parte reprezentanţi ai ministerelor de profil, ai instituţiilor de învăţământ din Moldova, organizaţiilor neguvernamentale din domeniu.
Strategia naţională privind acţiunile comunitare pentru susţinerea copiilor aflaţi în dificultate a fost adoptată în august 2007. Prin implementarea Strategiei, Guvernul îşi propune dezvoltarea şi promovarea unui sistem naţional de acţiuni comunitare, care ar permite incluziunea socială a 20% din numărul copiilor aflaţi în dificultate.