Hhistory of Romanians will be taught, Minister of Education

The teaching of history of Romanians in schools will continue. The statement was made by Minister of Education Mihail Sleahtitchi at a press briefing. He explained that the course changed its form, but not its contents, Info-Prim Neo reports. “First of all, I want to make it clear that nothing changed in the teaching of history since last year. Phrases like “no more history of Romanians in schools” or the “history of Romanians won’t be taught anymore” are wrong. I tell you so that there was no more speculation: the history of Romanians will be taught in Moldovan schools”, he declared. According to Mihail Sleahtitchi, the history course will include 50% history of the world, 45% history of the Romanian space and 5% local or regional history. The Minister added that the modernization of the curriculum, including the history course, started in November 2009, and the Ministry of Education had consulted with the teachers and historians. “The history we have today in schools is the result of a collective efforts”, stressed Sleahtitichi. He dismissed the PSD accusations that the Ministry edited history books by omitting the procedure of public acquisitions. Mihail Sleahtitchi said the books of History of Romanians were a donation and would be used as additional material besides the main books. He assured no public funds were spent on the books. The Minister called for calm, fairness and depoliticization of education.
  • mihail sleahtitchi despre istoria romanilor.mp3
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