'Heroine' case -Moldovan policemen accused of negligence and abuse of power, Turkish men sentenced to imprisonment
Two of the former employees of the special missions division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Valeriu Ohladciuc and Ruslan Topa, who were suspected of involvement in the 'Heroine' case, were acquitted by the court of Botanica district on October 21. They were set free from the courtroom after being in custody for more than one year and a half.
Judge Gheorghe Balan said Ohladciuc and Topa are entitled to seek damages for the months spent in jail. Topa told the reporters he would make use of this right.
The former head of the special missions division Corneliu Savca was sentenced to 5 years and 9 months in prison. Taking into account the period that he had spent behind bars, he will serve about 4 years and 2 months.
The former employee of the same division Dumitru Moiseev was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months' imprisonment. The remaining term is about 3 years and 11 months.
The Turkish citizen Murat Karalar, the diver of the minibus on which the drugs were carried – will serve 13 years in a closed-type jail over drug transportation. The other Turkish man Murat Cernit was sentenced to 2 years and 9 months for favoring the transportation of drugs.
Wednesday's hearing lasted for nine hours and a half. There were read the testimonies of the persons heard during the last 19 months, including former Minster of Internal Affairs Gheorghe Papuc, former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Valentin Zubik, former Prosecutor General
Valeriu Gurbulea and others.
Savca and Ohladciuc pleaded not guilty. They said the evidence against them was fabricated in order to hinder the appointment of Papuc as minister. Their lawyers will appeal the decision of the Botanica court within 15 days.
Murat Cernit also did not agree with the court's decision. He said he was hired by Savca as information agent and all his acts were aimed at collecting information about this case.
Murat Karalar's lawyer will also appeal the decision to a higher court as he considers the jail term of 13 years is too strict. Karalar came to the hearing on crutches. He said he was beaten while in the remand center. Judge Balan said this fact was not confirmed during the inspection carried out at the given center.
After the hearing, the prosecutor for this case Lilian Cociu said she will examine the decision of the judges thoroughly and could appeal it to a higher court as she is dissatisfied with certain punishments.
The largest batch of heroin in Moldova's history (over 200 kg) was seized in April 2008. The drugs were found in sacks of peas transported by a Hyundai minibus through central Chisinau. The minibus was driven by a Turkish man. In several days, three employees of the Interior Ministry were arrested. Afterward, there were arrested two Turkish citizens. Allegedly, Gheorghe Papuc was involved in the organization of the transportation of the heroin through Moldova.