Heart of Moldova, flashmob at the General Police Inspectorate: honor is more important than political orders!

Representatives of the Heart of Moldova Party organized a flashmob at the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), claiming that the police are trying to obstruct the party’s campaign for peace and international recognition of neutrality, IPN reports.

Activists carried placards with messages such as: “Honor is more important than political orders,” “Serve the people, not PAS!,” and “Regimes change, the law remains”.

The demonstrators called on IGP Chief Viorel Cernauteanu “not to involve subordinates in political manipulations”.

“The police have been ordered to find ‘evidence’ at all costs that the Heart of Moldova Party is collecting citizens' personal data. This is a lie meant to hinder our campaign to gather signatures for peace and neutrality,” stated Serghei Butuc, leader of the Heart of Moldova's territorial organization in Cantemir.



According to Silvia Granici, a party representative from Cahul, the initiative is supported by the majority of citizens.

“We are acting in accordance with the law. Most citizens support international recognition of neutrality. For us, this is a guarantee that peace in Moldova will not be threatened. We warn the police: do not carry out political orders!” the protester emphasized.

Alexandru Caraivan from Comrat reminded police officers that they too have an interest in maintaining peace.

“You also want peace and security for your families. You don’t want Moldova to be drawn into foreign conflicts. We have common goals. Today, power belongs to one party, tomorrow to another. That’s why you should serve the people, not PAS”, urged the representative from Comrat.

“The police’s duty is to ensure order, not to persecute the opposition. We demand that the IGP leadership cancel illegal orders against the Heart of Moldova Party,” declared Diana Rosipanu, a party representative from Balti.

The protesters handed over a copy of the Law on Police Activity and the Status of Police Officers to the IGP leadership.

“We recommend that Mr. Viorel Cernauteanu refresh his memory regarding the provisions of this law. We hope he will remember what law enforcement officers are supposed to do and that he will stop involving them in abuses and political manipulations”, added the representatives of the Heart of Moldova Party.

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