Health insurance contribution may be increased

The draft state budget law for next year provides that the employers’ and employees’ contribution to the health insurance fund will be raised. Now the salary earners and the employers pay by 3.5% for health insurance, while from next year the contribution may be 4%. The information was communicated to IPN by the deputy chairman of the National Employers Confederation of Moldova Alexandru Slusari.

Alexandru Slusari said the draft budget law was discussed in a meeting of the tripartite commission that includes the employers, the trade unions and the Government, and the Confederation opposed this rise as it will seriously affect the business sector, especially those working in agriculture.

According to Slusari, the National Health Insurance House proposed the rise because over the last four years the number of tax payers decreased from over 1 million to 810,000. “These people either entered the underground economy or went abroad. But this happens for several years in a row. It’s not a novelty,” he stated.

The draft state budget law for next year hasn’t been debated in Parliament yet. Alexandru Slusari said that in the current form it wasn’t approved by the tripartite commission. The bill is to be submitted to Parliament in several weeks.

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