Head of Parliament's Legal Department placed under house arrest

The head of the Parliament's Legal Department Ion Creangă, who was suspended from office, was released from remand detention and placed under house arrest. The information was confirmed to IPN by the spokesman for the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases Emil Gaitur.

Creangă is accused of treason and plotting against Moldavia. He allegedly had conspiratorial communication with the assistant military attaché of the Embassy of Russia in Chisinau in 2023-2024.

As a result of special investigative measures, with the support of the Security and Intelligence Service, the parliamentary official was detained last July, when he was receiving $500 from the assistant military attaché of the Embassy of Russia. Another $1,100 was found at his home. Subsequently, Creangă was placed in preventive detention and the measure was maintained by the court by now.

Earlier, Creangă told the press that he will prove his innocence in court.

Under the Criminal Code, treason committed in such circumstances is punishable by 15 to 20 years in jail, with ban on holding particular positions or exercising particular activities for a period of 10 to 15 years.

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