Victor Lutenco tendered his resignation from the post of head of the Bureau for Diaspora Relations. He said he does not want to work within a government that depends on the Communists’ vote and does not believe that the objectives he set together with representatives of the community of Moldovans abroad can be achieved with a minority government. Victor Lutenco also announced that he will join the project planned by former Premier Iurie Leanca.
“I do not want to be part of the misinformation of the people and do not want to break the promises I made together with the colleagues from the PLDM in the campaign that preceded the November 30, 2014 elections. I would like to be able to further keep my head up and look directly in the eyes when I speak to the people from the diaspora. The people, especially those from abroad, voted for the pro-European parties because they wanted a really pro-European alliance, not a dubious political improvisation to be formed. I do not want to be in the same situation as Maia Sandu and other colleagues proposed by the PLDM for posts and to be warned by the Communists that I will be dismissed if I do not do what the PCRM wants. This is not the Moldova without Communists that we promised to our people,” Victor Lutenco writes on his Facebook page.
Victor Lutenco also says that he assumes the challenge, together with other colleagues, to develop a new, major project that will be really democratic and European. “I will join Iurie Leanca in the political project that he will launch. He is a man I trust fully and he is the one owing to whom I managed to do everything I did at the Bureau for Diaspora Relations,” he wrote.
Victor Lutenco had headed the Bureau for Diaspora Relations since November 2012, when the institution was created.