He sexually abused his stepdaughter for 13 years. Defendant sentenced to 20 years in prison

A man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexually abusing his stepdaughter for 13 years. According to prosecutors, the sexual actions began in 2011, in the victim's early childhood, IPN reports.

According to the indictment filed, it was established that in January last year, the 48-year-old man forcibly had sexual intercourse with his 16-year-old stepdaughter. The man took advantage of his wife not being at home and abused the girl. Investigations revealed that the foster father had been committing unconsensual sexual acts since the girl was three years old.

The defendant was convicted of committing sexual violence against a family member under the age of 14 and of rape knowingly committed against a minor member of the family.

The man will serve his sentence in a closed prison.

The sentence is not final and can be appealed to the North Court of Appeal.

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