Hako vehicles and road workers clean snow from yards of apartment buildings in Chisinau

In Chisinau, the snow removal works in the yards of apartment buildings and on the streets started after midnight. The Public Amenities Division engaged 14 Hako vehicles and 26 tractors equipped with brooms and shovels. In the morning, about 500 workers became involved in the works.

The Division’s head Petru Gontea has told IPN that the Hako vehicles and the tractors intervened altogether in the five districts of Chisinau. Four units of transport were rented from companies also for being involved in snow removal.

The about 500 workers are cleaning the entrances to the yards of apartment buildings, public transport stations and waste collection platforms. Inside yards, the works must be coordinated by block and housing sector managers as the dwellers pay money for maintenance works.

Petru Gontea said that 40% of the works in yards cannot be performed owing to the motor vehicles parked chaotically there. The managers should thus intervene and should also mobilize dwellers to clean the snow and spread antiskid material in places that cannot be reached by vehicles.

According to Petru Gontea, about 100 vehicles are needed to cope with the weather conditions. A part could be rented from business entities working in the construction sector as these suspend work in winter. But the decision is to be taken by the local administration.


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