Gymnasium of "T. Shevchenko" school will be renovated with Japanese Government support

A grant agreement has been signed for the renovation of the gymnasium at "Taras Shevchenko" School in Chisinau. The project, valued at $91,000, is funded by the Government of Japan and will cover ceiling, wall, and floor repairs, as well as optimization of the heating system in the gymnasium, IPN reports.

According to the project signatories, this initiative highlights the commitment of Chisinau authorities and Japanese partners to improving educational and sports infrastructure for students.

"I hope that for many years to come, this sports hall will serve both Ukrainian and Moldovan students," stated Japan's Ambassador to Moldova, Yamada Yoichiro, during the signing ceremony.

The grant is provided through the Kusanone Human Security Assistance Program, funded by the Government of Japan. The project will be implemented in partnership with the National Congress of Ukrainians in Moldova.

"The renovation of the gymnasium will provide students with a safe and modern space to practice sports and develop healthily," said Dmitri Lecartev, director of the National Congress of Ukrainians.

Since 2008, through the Kusanone program, the Japanese Government has funded 92 development projects, with a total value of over $7.6 million.

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