Guarantees for Opposition will be set by law

The Ministry of Justice intends to draft a bill on the Opposition, which will institute legal guarantees allowing the Opposition to work efficiently. Minister of Justice Alexandru Tanase informed about this the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland while in Strasbourg on a visit, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a press release published on the Ministry of Justice’s website, Alexandru Tanase informed Thorbjørn Jagland about the discussions initiated with the parliamentary Opposition, which are aimed at reaching a compromise for electing the head of state. “The dialogue with the Opposition and the identification of a compromise will help strengthen society and overcome the social split that appeared after the April 7, 2009 events. That’s why we want the President to be voted in transparently. We are trying to convince the whole parliamentary group not separate members to vote so that the presidential elections are fully legitimate,” Alexandru Tanase said. For his part, Thorbjørn Jagland welcomed and encouraged the government coalition’s efforts to discuss with the Opposition and create conditions for the country to develop. Alexandru Tanase is paying an official visit to Strasbourg on January 27-28. He is taking part in the official opening of the judicial year at the European Court of Human Rights.

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