The Green Alliance Party is deeply concerned about the dramatical worsening of living standards in Moldova in recent years, said the party's president Vladimir Braga at a press conference dedicated to environment-related problems facing the country,
Info-Prim Neo reports.
The low living standards are endangering the gene pool of the Moldovan nation, stated the party's vice president Andrei Dumbraveanu. Two average villages with a population of up to 3,000 people disappear each year in Moldova, he added.
The leadership of the Green Alliance say that the platform of the party is oriented towards ensuring a healthy environment, both in ecologic, economic and political terms. The party pleads for a society in which the right to information, to justice and other fundamental human rights are respected, a society in which the people, regardless of their ethnic origin, are treated with fairness. The party says it is ready to engage in cooperation and dialogue with the political groups from the European space.
Founded in 1992, the Green Alliance Party has been a member of the European Federation of Green Parties since 2000.