Green Ecologist Party requests Chisinau Council to name acting mayor

The Green Ecologist Party (PVE) expresses its regret at the Central Election Commission’s decision to not rerun the early mayoral elections in Chisinau municipality. The party requests the Chisinau Municipal Council to appoint an acting mayor and to also name all the candidates who ran in the recent elections as deputy mayors of the municipality, IPN reports.

In a press release, the party says on June 29 the CEC confirmed the invalidation of the early mayoral elections held in Chisinau municipality, based on the irrevocable court decision whereby the elections were invalidated. At the same time, based on the Election Code provisions (“If the post of mayor is vacated during the last year of mayoralty, early mayoral elections are not organized”), the Commission refused to rerun the elections under the same lists, with the same candidates and the same electoral bodies.

The Green Ecologist Party considers the post of mayor general of Chisinau municipality became vacant in the last but one year, when Dorin Chirtoaca tendered his resignation, and this enables the CEC to rerun the elections in two weeks, under the same lists, with the same candidates and the same electoral bodies.

The party noted that given the absence of a democratically elected administration, the municipality of Chisinau and its residents are affected. Without a mayor, the normal activity of the city and the suburban communities is danger. The development of the projects needed by the people and the solving of pressing problems cannot be postponed until after the ordinary elections of 019.

According to the PVE, the requests were made in a move to ensure the efficient management of the capital city in the period until the ordinary local elections of June 2019, taking into account the already existing practice, the law on the status of Chisinau municipality and the law on the local public administration.

On June 19, the Chisinau City Court decided to not validate the early mayoral elections and the invalidation was later upheld by the Appeals Court and the Supreme Court of Justice. Afterward, the Central Election Commission nullified the early mayoral elections held in Chisinau municipality on May 20 and June 3 (runoffs).

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