Grants for the diaspora

The Bureau for Diaspora Relations is launching a new subprogram of grants entitled “Diaspora Crowdfunding Projects” in partnership with the International Organization for Migration Mission to Moldova, IPN reports.

Within the subprogram, four grants of 1,500 Swiss francs each will be offered to Moldovans who are abroad to support the use of national and international crowdfunding (multi-financing) platforms with the aim of implementing sustainable projects with a social impact in Moldova.

The financing is intended for projects proposed by private individuals or groups that will plan a fundraising campaign through the agency of crowdfunding platforms. The projects are to be implemented by June 1, 2017.

Bureau for Diaspora Relations head Olga Coptu said the support provided within the subprogram will be based on the matching grants principle, which is the grant will be released when the crowdfunding campaign is completed successfully and a sum equal to that of the grant is collected by this.

“This mechanism will enable us to stimulate the use of online platforms for engaging the representatives of the diaspora in the implementation of projects with a durable social impact. In time, the online multi-financing will enable all those interested and involved in development projects with and for the diaspora to obtain the necessary funds in a transparent, swift and accessible way,” stated Olga Coptu.

The applications must contain a project proposal, the detailed plan of the crowdfunding campaign and the applicant’s CV. Submissions will be accepted between October 10 and November 30 this year.

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