Grain market is now more functional and transparent

The automated information system Register of Grain Warehouse Certificates will be created in Moldova. The Government is to approve the strategy for implementing this system, IPN reports.

The Register of Grain Warehouse Certificates will provide information about the grain warehouses, those who produce and store grains and the issued grain warehouse certificates. As a result, the storage of grains and their derivatives will be ensured according to technological requirements. Conditions will be created for implementing mechanisms for securing grains and for facilitating lending to grain producers. The stored grains will be sold when the price on the market is appropriate. It will be possible to form homogenous grain consignments, while the data on the stored grains will be permanently updated.

The automated information system will be an integral part of the state information resources in the economic sphere. It will be implemented with budget money, with revenues obtained from providing services related to the state information resources for money and with other legal means.

Over 3 million tonnes of grains were gathered in 2013. In Moldova there are 32 companies authorized to collect and process grains (grain warehouses). Twelve of them in 2013 had a license for storing grains and issuing grain warehouse certificates.

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