GPI gets vehicles and body cameras from UNDP Moldova and Government of Japan

The General Police Inspectorate (GPI) received over 18 hybrid vehicles and 125 body cameras from UNDP Moldova and the Government of Japan. The vehicles are already used, while the cameras have now been distributed to ten police inspectorates in the country, IPN reports.

In the handover event, Adrian Efros, Minister of Internal Affairs, said the donation is a gesture of solidarity and trust of the development partners and shows Moldova’s commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The equipment transmitted today will ensure that public order offenses are properly documented, while road safety threats are prevented.

For his part, Japan’s Ambassador to Moldova Yamada Yoichiro said that the rapid intervention vehicles and body cameras are provided as part of the US$27 million package that the Government of Japan announced in December 2022 to support Moldova in coping with the refugee crisis triggered by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The responsibility shown by Moldova in the context of the refugee crisis is encouraging. Japan will continue to stand by Moldova and Ukraine in their efforts to overcome the challenges created by external forces and on their way to a better future through EU membership.

Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Representative in Moldova, said that the delivery of vehicles and body cameras is an important step towards modernizing police services and is aimed at improving community safety in the country and ensuring that no one is left behind. The support for the police to increase their capacities is an important aspect for UNDP in Moldova.

GPI head Viorel Cernauţanu noted that the vehicles are already used, while the 125 body cameras have been distributed today to ten police inspectorates to guarantee the security of the rights of citizens, but also of police officers in action. The goal for 2024 is to provide all the police inspectorates with body cameras.

In the same event, Ambassador Yamada Yoichiro was awarded a GPI medal for good cooperation and productive results.

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