Government will present report in Parliament no sooner than autumn

The lawmakers rejected the unaffiliated MP Mihai Godea’s proposal to order that the Government present a report on the work done by it in Parliament, Info-Prim Neo reports. Head of Parliament Marian Lupu said the time limit for this over so that the presentation of the executive’s report was postponed until the next legislative session that will start in autumn. Neither the second initiative of the unaffiliated lawmaker was supported. The MP suggested extending the spring-summer session by another 2-3 weeks so as to hear the reports of such public institutions as the National Agency for Competition, the National Agency for Energy Regulation and the Security and Information Service. Veaceslav Ionita, chairman of the commission on economy, budget and finance, said the given institutions submitted reports to the relevant parliamentary commissions, but the MPs were against extending the legislative session.

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