Government takes measures to allow more immigrants into Moldova

The annual quota of immigration into the Republic of Moldova will be set by the Government pursuant to the proposals of the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Until now, the immigration quota was set depending on the total number of citizens with permanent residence in Moldova and did not exceed 0.5% of the population. Authorities say it is necessary to increase the immigration quota to allow into the country more immigrants that intend to find a job here. For 2007, the quota was set at 2,070 immigrants. As of 1 November 2007, immigrant certificates were issued to 2,064 foreign citizens, meaning 99.7% of the immigration quota. At present, 214 other persons are unable to get immigration visas because of the ceiling set. A study on immigration covering the period 1995-2007 reveals that the number of immigrants into Moldova has decreased constantly, due to a 4.8% overall decrease in the number of population with permanent residence in the country. For example, in 1995 the immigration quota was set at 2,176 immigrants, calculated from a total population of 4,352,700 persons. In 2006 the quota fell to 1,971 immigrants, being calculated from a population of 3,942,000 citizens. At the same time, according to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ghorghe Papuc, the number of foreign citizens and stateless persons that sought the status of immigrant over the years 1995-2007 is on the increase. The number of people with permanent residence in the districts on the left side of the Nistru fell from 600,000 in 1995 to 500,000 in 2007.

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