Government revises 2010 budget targets

GDP will amount this year to a nominal value of 67.1 billion lei, a 2.5% rise on last year and an upward revision from the initially planned 1.5% growth, informed Finance Minister Veaceslav Negruta. 4-month revenues to the state budget amounted to 7.93 billion lei, a 0.91 billion or 13% rise on the same period last year. At the same time, government expenses stood at 8.78 billion lei, by 4.3% more than in the same period last year. Compared with the initial targets, revenues and expenses to the national public budget will rise by 1.51 billion lei (106%) and 0.63 billion lei (101.4%), respectively, while the deficit will narrow by 0.88 billion lei (by 1.6% of GDP). Overall revenues to the budget are expected to amount to 16.33 billion lei, as government expenses will constitute 19.72 billion lei, the deficit being 3.39 billion lei. Additional revenues are expected to accumulate from greater amounts of corporate income tax, VAT, excises, foreign trade tax, etc. Additional expenses will be made to pay heating bill relief allowances to disadvantaged families, social benefits, military pensions, provide gratuitous issuing of passports, by anti-hail rockets, etc. Prime Minister Vlad Filat requested that the modifications be submitted to Parliament without delay so that they could be adopted as soon as possible.

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