Government officials sacked and named

Doctor Octavian Grama was named Deputy Minister of Health, while ombudsman Oleg Efrim – Deputy Minister of Justice. Iurie Cheptanaru, who had worked in the law enforcement bodies of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, became Deputy Minister of the Interior, while Roman Cazan – Deputy Minister of State. The decisions were made at Wednesday's meeting of the Government, Info-Prim Neo reports. At the same meeting, Deputy Minister of Justice Elena Mocanu and Deputy Minister of the Interior Ghenadie Cosovan were dismissed. The executive also discharged the director of Moldova's Water Agency Veaceslav Iordan, the director of the State Agency for Land Relations and Cadaster Alexandru Banicov, the director of the Medication Agency Boris Golovin and the head of the State Main Tax Inspectorate Victor Coada.

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