Government offers grants of up to 200,000 lei for greening businesses

Thirty-eight enterprises were selected to receive grants of up to 200,000 lei from the government for greening their business. This was decided by the Steering Committee of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Greening Program, managed by ODIMM.

Each grant constitutes up to 70% of the beneficiaries’ investment plans. About 6 million lei has been offered in total.

24 businesses are located in rural areas, and 14 others in Chisinau.

Fourteen companies accepted for financing have opted for treating wastewater and using it for surface irrigation or operational needs. Nine companies have opted for the purchase of waste recycling equipment. Other investment projects aim at reducing energy consumption by implementing thermal recovery systems, ventilation systems with air filtration.
The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Greening Program was launched in November 2019 for a period of 36 months, and is implemented by ODIMM in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. Interested companies are encouraged to apply on  ODIMM’s website.


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