Government coalition sets priorities for last parliamentary session

The government coalition in the new parliamentary session will present a new law on salary grades. Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu, after an extended-format meeting of the government coalition held at the head office of the Democratic Party on October 2, said there is a wide discrepancy between the salaries of public servants and this aspect should be regulated, IPN reports.

According to the Speaker, a formula should be identified to narrow this discrepancy so that the salaries of employees with small pays, such as kindergarten educators and teachers, grow swifter. The law will also define the method of raising pays in the future, taking into account the inflation rate or other economic indicators.

Andrian Candu also said that in its new session Parliament will examine the 2019 national budget, social insurance budget and health insurance budget as matters of urgency. There will be debated the Broadcasting Code and a law on domestic trade that ensures additional protection for national producers. Hearings on the banking fraud will be held in the nearest future.

Deputy Speaker Valeriu Giletski said the amendment of the Constitution for enshrining the European  integration course in it remains on the agenda of the government coalition.

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