Government allocates money for implementing new measures to reunify country

The executive approved the program of activities for reunifying the country for 2015 and additional financing for implementing it, IPN reports.

The program contains 15 measures to develop and modernize institutions of the education system, to repair and outfit buildings of local importance and to reconstruct water pipelines. Thus, the building of the Bender Police Inspectorate and of the rescue and firefighting unit of Vadul lui Voda town will be renovated. The levees over the Nistru and near the villages Pirita and Dorotcaia will be reinforced. Also, the kayak-canoe sports center in Cocieri village will be equipped and patrolling vehicles will be purchased for monitoring the Security Zone.

The total cost of the measures is 6.99 million lei.

The activities for reunifying the country will be financed based on confirmative documents presented by the recipients of money allocated for implementing the program for 2015.

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